Swansea-Elyria Safe Cycle
$ 5,000
$5,000 Advocating to create a bikeable Elyria and Swansea as outlined in the 2015 Elyria Swansea neighborhood plan.
We have done several community bike rides to demonstrate how to get to the Platte Trail as well as show the suggested improvements we would like to see included in the Denver Moves Bike Program. Some of the rides have included potential partners we've reached out to such as Field Academy, Bike Streets , and Denver Bicycle Lobby to garner more awareness for our cause. We have also attended various community events to try and get the word out about the Safe Cycle Program such as the Bikes Together clinic at the Swansea Library and at the GES Coalition Block Party.
We have also has attended DOTI/Denver Moves Bikes outreach meetings to provide input on improvements we would like to see to the biking systems specifically in our neighborhoods. We have also met on a regular basis to provide updates to each other and plan next steps. And Chad has met with the Swansea Elementary PTA and City and County of Denver Safe Routes to School staff. Our plans moving forward are to continue to build support, reach out to city council members and participate in the North Central Community Transportation Network activities as they are announced and promote our suggested bike routes.